Looks like I'll have to teach Daddy some manners. Joker: Meet Daddy Lawful! Commissioner Gordon: You diseased maniac! I'll- Joker: Hmm. Joker: I decided to steal one! Laugh track: Yea! Joker: And here they are: The Awful Lawful Family! Aren't they just the cutest family you've ever seen? Batman: It's never easy with the Joker. Laugh track: Yea! Joker: And since I don't have one of my own. Joker: Rumor has it, Christmas is a time to share with family. The beast knew what chemicals were needed to bring itself about! It was out of my control! And it only needs one more component to complete the process - it's in ME, Batman! Christmas With The Joker Joker: Jingle bells! Batman smells! Robin laid an egg! The Batmobile lost a wheel and the Jo-ker got a-wa-a-a-ay! Crashing through the roof! In a one-horse-open tree! Busting out I go! Laughing all the WHEEEEE! Francine and March tried to protect me, but it was too late. I desperately wanted to, but it took over. And once I started taking it, I couldn't stop. I knew he'd discovered a formula to create a totally new species, neither man nor bat. Langstrom: He's just a theorist, he was afraid to put it to the test. Batman: Where is he? Langstrom: Giving a lecture on human extinction and bat evolution, he's really quite brilliant. Kirk Langstrom: Who's back there? You! Batman: I'm looking for Dr. Wayne, not pests! You should understand that!ĭr. Wayne? What then? Destroy them like insects? We won't survive the next evolutionary cataclysm, but bats will! They're survivors, Mr. I thought maybe you could tell me if I have a bat problem. See, I keep hearing squeaks in my chimney, and I found these in my empty fireplace. I understand I'm to analyze something for you? Bruce Wayne: Yeah, doc. March: You donate a few million, and you think you own the place. 1.40 If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?.1.37 The Strange Secret Of Bruce Wayne.