– We process the order at the unique discounts and bill you. Discount codes can only be applied by your SanMar support team. – Your team sends it to your Sanmar AE support team. – You send them the attached form with your information already prefilled, so they remember to return it to you (they cannot send it direct to Sanmar!) – So that the customer cannot ship goods to their end user blank or to another decorator. – To make sure you understand the opportunity and want the business opportunity being presented. We already have solutions for blank sampling needs, but Sanmar does not decorate and our customers want decorated samples at a discount to help them drive opportunities with their customers. – So the spec sample program is used as intended, for decorated spec samples. Why do you have to place the spec sample order for your contract customers? You still need funds for other marketing initiatives, but mostly for spoilage and it could cost you more as the year goes on if these funds are exhausted early. Be careful with how much you use it for this reason. No discounts are available when using the fund. It must ship via PSST to your location.Ĭan you use your spoilage funds (77)? Yes if you want to do a spec sample run at no charge. It must go through your team to be processed. Customers can not send it direct to Sanmar.

* I have attached the form, but let’s review how it works. – Use it for trade show specials and drive traffic – Flip accounts and secure art through sample sew outs. – Drive opportunities into your shop and compete against suppliers who over up to 50% off for spec samples. Only through a PSST decorator can customers get up to 50% off all year Sanmar is not responsible for any balance over what is available in your fund. ~ Send a copy of the paid invoice to your Sanmar support team or and we will post a credit to your net account to use towards future purchases for the allowable amount or balance available. ~ Ad must mention of Sanmar and the PSST benefits. ~ You must pay the marketing company direct. – Up to 30% of the fund can be used towards the Marketing offers attached to help market your services – Sample promotions to drive embellishment awareness and increase production time on your equipment – Intent is to replace or credit the Industry standard 2% damage risk for customers on Sanmar orders. Contact me for specific details on utilization
Sanmar psst program plus#
Plus original inbound freight if it did not ship PSST. – No freight and handling on replacement goods. – No spoilage risks up to 2% of the order (replacement or credit still your choice using your funds) Only when customers ship orders via PSST does it triggers the mini “insurance policy” for that order. The more orders we can get to trucks the quicker we can reduce your shared investment and secure more consistent LTL delivery times. Using your customer list it will be important to focus on “why” your team and customer’s should care about shipping everything via the PSST program.This is an actual sample of a PSST embroidery company. Sample of the Sanmar PSST Program and Benefits.