The number of glaciers in the Antarctic Peninsula and the Arctic region is gradually declining, and therefore, the harmony of the biodiversity is affected. Regional warming and melting ice caps are the reason for the imbalanced ecosystem, which results in rising sea levels, uncertain floods, fluctuating seawater temperature leading to the different storms like tornado, cyclone, etc. Presently, the melting ice caps are having a huge impact on the Earth's ecosystem, which leads to unpredictable disasters. Research shows that the polar ice caps are rapidly melting at places. This study highlights the mode and time of response of stream invertebrate communities to global warming in alpine streams and provides guidelines for analysing changes in the stream invertebrate communities of other glacial systems in alpine regions. The numbers of Diamesa steinboecki, an insect that was adapted to the cold, declined in summer (water mTmax >6 ☌ and air mTmax >12 ☌). Progressive taxonomical homogenisation was evident with decreasing glacial influence, mainly between glacio-rhithral and krenal sites. In the kryal sites, taxonomical and functional diversity changed more consistently than in the glacio-rhithral site in the same period, due to the arrival of taxa that were previously absent upstream and bearers of entirely new traits.

The invertebrate community exhibited a delayed response approximately 13 years from the water warming there was a sequential increase in the number of taxa, Shannon diversity, and after 17 years, functional diversity. Compared to air temperatures, the rise in water temperature was delayed by approximately 20 years water mTmax started to increase in 2003, reaching 8.1 ☌ at 2642 m a.s.l. Warmer climates were observed in the last decade compared to the 1980s, with a mean maximum summer air temperature (mTmax) increase of 1.7 ☌ at 2642 m a.s.l. We sampled thrice in the past 20 years (2001, 2014, 2018) at three sampling sites (CR0-metakryal, CR1-hypokryal, CR2-glacio-rhithral) of the Careser glacier-fed stream and its main non-glacial tributary (CR1bis-krenal). We procured data on air temperature, which was obtained over 50 years at altitudes above 2600 m a.s.l., and data on water temperature, which was available for approximately 30 years. We evaluated the effect of global warming on invertebrate communities at high altitudes using data from the Careser system. These new sources of contamination found on the glaciers have recently been documented for ice meltwaters in the Italian Alps, and their accumulation and effect on aquatic insect behavior and metabolism were also proven Villa et al. 2017 Gobbi and Lencioni 2020), garbage originating from past hut managers, and remains of abandoned ski lifts and cableways. 2021), metals used for explosives and munitions manufacturing during the White War (Laterza 2013), fragrances from personal care products (Ferrario et al. For instance, glaciers have recorded, accumulated, and are now releasing, due to their melt, pollution by microplastics (Ambrosini et al.
2015) and is a sink and archive of pollutants originating from human activities. Glaciers are a landform type, and a habitat type, and provide historical records about climate and human activities they are like a big encyclopedia: each page (layer of ice) preserves and shows multiple proxies of various environmental correlates (air, temperature, precipitation, atmospheric chemistry, volcanic depositions, etc.) (Zang et al.